T & A Electrical
For All Your Electrical and Wiring Needs

T & A Electrical

For All Your Electrical and Wiring Needs
24-7 Service - Electrical emergencies don’t happen at anyone’s convenience, so our Houston emergency electricians are always available to take your emergency electrical service calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If your home has no power, you smell burning or smoking, electrical devices are hot to the touch, or your refrigerator or A/C is without power—call us.
Experience - You don't stay in business for 25+ years and not deliver. Over the past 25+ years serving the residents and businesses of Houston, we deliver solutions, customer appreciation, competitive pricing and quality service.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee - What does it mean to you? This guarantee is to assure our customers that the product or service will meet their needs, or else T&A Electrical will replace it, fix it or refund the customer's money.
Licensed, Insured and Bonded - What does this mean for you the customer? Being licensed signifies that you have the necessary competence, meet a set of minimum requirements, and have the right to conduct business in your state. A bonded business is one that has purchased a surety bond. A surety bond represents an agreement between three parties: The Principal, The Obligee and The Surety. Surety bonds protect the third-party that is hiring a business from any possible losses that would result from incomplete work, damage, theft, or other failures of the hired company.

Here's what our customers have to say....